FoE welcomes waste strategy

FoE welcomes waste strategy

Friends of Earth (Malta) welcomes government’s decision to adopt the waste management strategy recommended by EU approved consultants Carl Bro without incineration as a waste management option.

The strategy represents a very big step forward for Malta and FoE recognises the government’s maturity in considering incineration and deciding against it.

FoE (Malta) is interested to work with the government and suggests that NGO representatives are included in the task force that will implement the strategy.

FoE (Malta) is eager to know the other details relating to the strategy and hopes that the correct measures have been chosen for an environment friendly, cost effective, plan that takes into consideration the sustainable use of resources.

FoE (Malta) hopes the decision not to opt for incineration will serve as a turning point for the authorities when it comes to environmental matters and will lead to other important measures to be taken to reach sustainability targets in land use planning, and the protection of air, water and sea. 

Economic and environmental targets go hand in hand and the authorities must realise that conserving our environmental assets will mean good business practice in the long run.

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