Everything you need to know about the SUPPLY CHA!NGE project

Everything you need to know about the SUPPLY CHA!NGE project

In January 2015 we joined 28 civil society organizations from across Europe as well as partners from the Global South to challenge super markets to stock fair and sustainable ‘own brand’ products.  The Supply Cha!nge project has seen us engage with retail professionals, EU policy makers and consumers alike with the mission to identify and promote best practice procedures.

Governments both in producing and consuming countries need to adopt legislation that obliges supermarkets to respect human and workers’ rights along their supply chains, and act in an environmentally responsible manner.  We are striving to find solutions to these growing challenge.

This 16-page long document informs you about the power of European supermarkets and how they abuse it, the truth behind some of our most popular foods, and finally, it brings you up to speed on what we can do to hold transnational companies accountable. Enjoy the read!

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