Category: Resource use

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Press Conference: Proposed ITS development does not respect people and the environment

Press Conference: Proposed ITS development does not respect people and the environment

(english version below) Ninsabu hawn illum għal din l-aħħar konferenza stampa qabel il-Bord tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar jiddeċiedi jekk jagħtix il-permess lid-db Group biex jagħmel il-proġett tiegħu fuq is-sit fejn sa ftit ilu kien hemm l-ITS. Minn Frar li għadda, ir-residenti ta’ Pembroke, bl-għajnuna tal-għaqdiet u bl-involviment tal-Kunsilli Lokali ta’ Pembroke, San Ġiljan u s-Swieqi, mexxew il-kampanja...

Reduction of single-use plastic paramount to tackling plastic pollution

Reduction of single-use plastic paramount to tackling plastic pollution

FoE Malta submits recommendations on single use plastics Friends of the Earth Malta (FoE Malta) welcomes the publication of the Proposal for a Directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment by the European Commission. It is designed to prevent and reduce the impact of certain plastic products on...

Anthropocene – A Dystopian Legacy / (Patria)

Anthropocene – A Dystopian Legacy / (Patria)

We have finally started using the Green Resource Centre–a hub for environmentally-related activities. We are excited to be opening the doors to the public with the launch of a photography exhibition by artist Kevin Mallan. The project deals with the environment and aims to question current socio-economic practices predominantly within national territory. Anthropocene – A...

FoE Malta proposes a more comprehensive Beverage Container Refund Scheme

FoE Malta proposes a more comprehensive Beverage Container Refund Scheme

Friends of the Earth Malta (FoE Malta) supports the introduction of the Beverage Container Refund Scheme (BCRS) that the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change has proposed. FoE Malta is pleased that a deposit scheme will be implemented by the end of 2019. This is a step in the right direction to...

Citizens demand alternative vision for urban development and transport projects

Citizens demand alternative vision for urban development and transport projects

We are a group of environmental NGOs, voluntary organisations and active citizens who wish to voice our concerns in unison and feel the urgent need to put forward an alternative vision to the way urban development and transport projects are being planned and executed. We believe piecemeal projects such as the Kappara Junction, Marsa Junction,...

Beverage Container Refund Scheme

Beverage Container Refund Scheme

Public Consultation We are very pleased to see that in May 2018, the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change have put forward a proposal for the Beverage Container Refund Scheme (BCRS), that is open for public consultation until the 30th of June. This is one measure through which Malta is trying to...


First steps taken to cut single-use plastics in Europe

The European Commission has taken a leap forward in tackling plastic pollution, with new laws to reduce throwaway single-use plastics. The proposal, which is designed to prevent and reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, and in particular the marine environment, sets a number of different policy measures to tackle these problematic...

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