Category: FAB

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What’s in season – June

What’s in season – June

Every month we feature a fruit or vegetable that is in season, along with a fun fact or recipe idea. We are currently working on a project, Citizen’s CAP, highlighting the importance of citizen involvement in agricultural policy to ensure healthy food and protection of our agricultural land. In a way, this is a continuation...


First steps taken to cut single-use plastics in Europe

The European Commission has taken a leap forward in tackling plastic pollution, with new laws to reduce throwaway single-use plastics. The proposal, which is designed to prevent and reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, and in particular the marine environment, sets a number of different policy measures to tackle these problematic...

Ful - Broad beans

What’s in season – May

Every month we feature a fruit or vegetable that is in season, along with a fun fact or recipe idea. It’s all about the legumes this month. I already spotted the first chickpea shells lying on the street corner, testament to the old men catching up on village gossip while munching away on fresh, raw...

EU-wide ban on bee-harming pesticides passed

EU-wide ban on bee-harming pesticides passed

Tremendous victory for our bees and the wider environment. EU governments today passed a total ban on bee-harming neonicotinoid pesticides on outdoor crops. [1] This comprehensive neonicotinoid ban, covering all outdoor crops, is a tremendous victory for our bees and the wider environment. The European Commission must now focus on developing a strong pollinator initiative...


What’s in season – April

Every month we feature a fruit or vegetable that is in season, along with a fun fact or recipe idea. It’s hard to imagine that it could escape anyone’s attention, with stalls along the roadside and the immensely popular Festa Frawli in Mġarr last weekend, but it’s strawberry time on our islands! Even though the...

Plastic packaging failing to prevent food waste crisis, new study finds

Plastic packaging failing to prevent food waste crisis, new study finds

Europeans produce amongst the highest amounts of plastic packaging waste globally A rise in plastic food packaging is failing to reduce Europe’s growing food waste problem, and in some cases may even be fuelling it, according to pioneering new research. [1] The study shows how annual per-capita use of plastic packaging has grown simultaneously with...

ITS Pembroke

Press Conference: Do Not Bury Us Alive

Today, residents, local councils and NGOs have come together to express their concerns at the project proposed by the db Group on the ITS site. After having carefully read the developer’s description and the Environment Impact Assessment prepared as part of the full development application process, and after having consulted with residents in a very...


FoE Malta welcomes valley restoration programme with pollinators in mind

Demands pollinators strategy for Malta Friends of the Earth Malta welcomes the recent announcement by the Ministry for the Environment as it embarks on an extensive valley restoration programme aimed at restoring ecosystems and planting species which are important for bees and other pollinators. FoE Malta has been raising awareness on the importance of honey...

What’s in season – March

What’s in season – March

Every month we feature a fruit or vegetable that is in season, along with a fun fact or recipe idea. The globe artichoke, what a curious vegetable. So spiny and prickly on the outside, but when cooked, so soft and buttery inside. Keep your eyes peeled for fields full of these massive plants this month....

FoE Malta recommends holistic policy for trees

FoE Malta recommends holistic policy for trees

Submission of Friends of the Earth Malta in response to Public Consultation – Trees and Woodlands Protection Regulations & Guidelines on Works involving Trees    FoE Malta has recently submitted its recommendations as part of the public consultation exercise for the Trees and Woodlands Protection Regulations put forward by the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA)....

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