Category: Environmental Education and Activism

Home / Environmental Education and Activism
Everything comes from the soil, and returns to the soil’ Satish Kumar.

Everything comes from the soil, and returns to the soil’ Satish Kumar.

‘As humanity hangs at a precipice, we need shifts that can be made by each of us, with far reaching implications for the planet and all people’. Vandana Shiva We are all becoming increasingly aware of how our daily actions are contributing to the destruction of our planet. The younger generation holds a stronger desire...

The European Green Deal’s ambition to reach carbon neutrality by 2050

The European Green Deal’s ambition to reach carbon neutrality by 2050

General Background We have lived in a society which, in the past, has been careless of the environment and the consequences of our actions can be clearly noticeable today, from the world-known “Global Warming” issue to the shortage of energy-producing resources. Moreover, air pollution levels remain dangerously high in many parts of the world, causing...

Keep protected areas protected! The case of Tal-Wej

Keep protected areas protected! The case of Tal-Wej

In January’s newsletter we touched upon the incredible ecological diversity of freshwater rockpools – unfortunately since then a new threat has arisen which jeopardises the future of one of the most important Temporary Freshwater Rockpool sites and archaeologically rich areas in Malta – Tal-Wej – the last open space located between the built up areas...

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